Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Plain Sweet Buns

Plain sweet buns have always been one of my favourites. In the past, I would prefer buns with fillings, the more the merrier. Nowadays, I find fillings too sweet for my liking and start liking simple and less heavy tasted stuffs.
I have always made sweet buns referencing to Happy Home Baking website. Normally it yielded me soft buns but somehow I was still not satisfied with the outcome for the texture as it staled the very next day.
Today, for a change, I am going to modify the recipe and see how it is going to turn out. Besides, I want to be more creative to come out with my own signature sweet buns. Again, I am going to depend on my bread maker to knead the dough. Hopefully I will not be disappointed with the results.

(yields six buns)

1/2 cup water
1/2 egg (lightly beaten, leave the other half for egg wash)
25g unsalted butter
2 1/2 cup bread flour (sifted))
3/4 tsp instant yeast
4 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1-2 tbsp whipping cream (optional)


The method was adapted from my Assorted Sweet Buns recipe without the filling step.

Note: I baked for around 20 minutes. Towards the end of the last 5 minutes, I lower down the temperature to 180 deg Celsius.


I prefer this recipe over my "Assorted Sweet Buns". However, it is a little bit too sweet for my taste. The texture is soft enough to last it until the 2nd day. However, it is not airy or light enough...Will try again and reupdate this post once I am satisfied with the outcome.

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