Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cooling Chinese Pear with Honey Soup

This drink/ soup is good for those people who works very late into the nights and for someone as heaty as me. It is cooling and thirst quenching. It has medicinal effect too as the ingredients below are known to treat coughs and beneficial for the lungs system. As it is a sweet soup, you can also treat it as a dessert.

I came across this recipe at this website "Cuisine Paradise" and the blogger did a very good job in describing the function/ benefit of each ingredient. I had boiled this soup a few times and the following yields the best tastes and results:

(yields 2 litre of soup)

2 litre of Water
2 Chinese Pears
6-8 Red Dates
1 tbs Wolfberries
1 tbs Sweet Almond
1 tbs Bitter Almond
12 strands "Sha Shen"
10g White Fungus
3 tbs Honey


1. Pour the water into the crockpot/ slowcooker and switch to 'HIGH'.

2. Wash all the Ingredients.

3. Soak White Fungus in water until it is soft. Remove unwanted areas after soaking.

4. Peel, core and cut the pears into chunks.

5. Put all ingredients except Honey into the slow cooker and boil for 3 hours.

6. At the end of 2nd hour, pour in honey.

7. At 3rd hour, switch the crockpot/ slowcooker to 'OFF'

8. Serve hot or cold. Strain the drink as desired.


Both of us love the drink and normally it is finished within few hours. I have always served it hot or warm. I have never tried it cold. May be it would be as nice if it is cooled for a few hours in the fridge.

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