Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Stir Fried Lady Fingers with Dried Shrimp

This is the 2nd time I attempted stir-frying lady fingers and I still find it simple to prepare and cook. I do not know when I started to like lady finger as I used to hate the slimey portion within it when you stir fry them. May be it is due to the change of taste buds thoughout the years.

I followed the recipe from Hochiak! Delicious Asian Kitchen. It is easy to understand and follow the steps.
I am certainly going to try out more of the dishes from this link.

1 comment:

foodwink said...

My experience in cooking with okra is currently limited to dumping them into curries :D So thanks for this, and for the link to Hochiak! Lots of yummy Msian recipes.